Joj, trenutno imam ful veliko željo po kremšniti :) Kaj bi dala, za eno direkt iz Bleda. Mmmmm...
Bled je lep in rada grem tja na sprehod, se popeljat s čolnom, gledat račke in labode, uživat kavico ob jezeru in pa seveda brez kremne rezine, izlet ni popoln. :)
Nazadnje sem obiskala Bled tam nekje konec zime, vem da je bilo jezero še zaledenelo, pihal je veter, vendar je situacijo reševal sončen dan..
Uh samo, da končam z izpitnim obdobjem in diplomo, pa grem...na lepše po Sloveniji. Pa še kam drugam! :D
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Im craving for kremna rezina right now. I would be so happy if someone would bring me one, maybe directly from Bled. ( Haha, c`mon girl can have a dream :) )
I love Bled, its an amazing place..you can have a great walk, boat ride, coffee by the lake, refreshing swim...
The last time I`ve been there was in the end of the winter, and it was still a bit cold and the lake was frozen. But it was a nice sunny day, so I have good memories. 
Ahh I`m so waiting for the end of June, when all the studying will be over and I will have some time to enjoy and travel around.... wuop wuop! :D 

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