Since I came back from Sweden I was planning to make cinnamon rolls and yesterday it finally happened. They came out quite good, even though they are not the same as the Swedish ones. :) It`s not that difficult to make them, but it takes quite some time (or it was just because it was my first time).
I had some problems to find kardamom, but than my friend saved me, cuz she had a stock that she brought home from Turkey & I couldn`t find the pearl sugar, so I improvised.
I found some recipes that I really liked, so the next time I`ll try to make it by this recipe or this one (they both look really delicious).
If you have a recipe of your own I`d be more than happy if you`d share it with me!
Oh, and I love the smell of cinnamon in the house + some tea/cacao + blanket = me happy. :)

+ tomorrow is already Friday.Why is time passing so quickly? I can barely keep up with the week. Do you feel the same?

xo, Maja <3


  1. http://www.cinnamonandthyme.com/2012/08/cimetove-rolce-cinnamon-rolls.html

    prvi done, drugi še čaka:)


    1. Kje si pa nasla biserni sladkor?
      Drugace pa oba recepta izgledata top, mogoce se pa lotim katerega od teh, letos se mi zdi da bodo cimetove rolce kar pogosto na vidiku, cist so me obsedle :) (pa fajn mi je ko mam jedce, v sluzbo nesem in so vsi veseli) :D

      Lp, M.

    2. Biserni sladkor lahko najdeš v E.Leclercu, nazadnje so ga imeli :):

  2. Jst sm cist nora na njih, skorej vsak dan si prvoscm enga:) tvoji zgledaju super:)

  3. Samo, da je cimet pa sem happy :). Meni so te Rudolphove (link ti je prilepila Maja :)) res dobre. Je malce več dela, ampak se splača. So pa najboljši sveži.Poskusi.


    p.s. Iskreno, meni se pa ta teden takooo vleče. Res. Pa še delovni vikend imam... Hm...Kdaj bo ponedeljek?

  4. Privlačen recept... Sploh sedaj, ko se cimet več kot prileže... in ogreje:)


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