This weekend the magic number happened - first 10.000 views !! hihi thats amazing, because when I started with this blog, it was just a bit of an experiment, I didn`t have some real intention with it, but later on, I found it really interesting, fun and it became a big part of me. Now I`m making big plans for it, just need some time to get there. Thank you guys for the support, I really appreciate every comment, suggestion, critic, everything that you give me, because it really helps me, to make this blog even better and more interesting for the readers. 

I should celebrate it with a style, right? Well, I choose mexican style! :) On friday I bought myself a cook book, if I`m more accurate, it was a Mexican cook book and everything inside looks absolutely delicious!! So I can`t wait to try it out! (It will be this week and I promise I will post some photos of it). 
Oh and I found this great video on vimeo and I need to share it, so take a look! 

This video and the photo is from elephantine blog, that you should check, because its a super, super blog! I love it, it`s a mixture of pretty photos + lovely videos, I could repost everything there. 

How was your weekend? Well my highlight of today,it was definitely tennis. God, I`ve enjoyed the match !!! I need to give a shout out for Nole, what a great game he played! I was so nervous through the game, it was like I`m playing it myself... haha. Respect to both of them, it was a long match and they gave their best to it. 
Uh, I feel like I could write a lot more, but it`s enough. Ill be waiting for you to tell me, how was your saturday + sunday, so don`t be shy! 

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