:: UP`S & DOWN`S ::

Instead of doing all the things I`ve planed for this week, I`m at home drinking tea and consuming antibiotics. I guess I should really start to listen to that sentence my mom is always saying : "Maja, you should really start taking care of yourself, because I you won`t, than who will!? " And she is not the only one saying me that. I have problems with taking time for myself lately. I`m always busy and rushing and being nervous....and than my body strikes back with sickness and than I realize I took it a step to far again. It`s frustrating! I`m so used of being active, than when I`m in this passive mode, I`m fine with it, but like just for a day or maximum two. If it`s more than that and if the fever is gone, I instantly feel the urge of catching up of all the things that I`ve missed. Damn it, I even missed the fashion week :( I really wanted to go (even though I`m not a fashionista or anything) but I got the ticket and why say no to that?! Well, until the next time... 
And on the photo there`s my morning  "the only thing I can eat right now"  breakfast (cuz I kind of lost my appetite and I`m eagerly waiting for it to come back!). 
Hope you have better days than I do! Cheers (with a big cup of tea)! xx 

+ I feel in the mood for Bon Iver this morning. I love this song. x


  1. Komadič je res top, ti se pa le hitro pozdravi. =)


  2. mmm, njami fotka! hitro se pozdravi, xx

    1. Maruša, hehe to je edino kar spravim v sebe zadnje par dni, nekak mi ugaja okus marmelade. :)

      lp, Maja xx

  3. Ohh ta komad, res res dobr :) Pa get well soon ;) xx

  4. tut js ti želim čeiprejšnje okrevanje, medtem pa se naužij trenutkov ko si sama s sabo in ob taki kul glasbi kot je tale komad. =)

    1. Mancina, hvala ti!
      Ja, zdej ko nimam več vročine in lahko dejansko kej preberem al pa pogledam, niti ni tako hudo. ;)

      lp, Maja xx

  5. Maja, da le gre na bolje... Izkoristi za branje in crtljanje!In tiste drobne stvari, za katere nam itak pogosto zmanjka časa..


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